Monday 22 June 2009

The opening shot

So this is blog land is it? How interesting. Always wondered what it looked like? I feel a bit like someone on the first day of their holiday in a strange place. Looks ok and think it will be nice here. Just have to see what happens. Anyway, what am I going to write about? Well I've decided to use this as somewhere to view my thoughts on business networking. I have been involved in it for quite a few years now and had good and bad experiences as well as seeing good and bad practices so hope I can pass on some helpful thoughts. I have no doubt that you will be able to get the same from other network bloggers such as Andy Lopata but there we are.

A big thing with networking is getting to know people and people getting to know you. The sooner people do the sooner they will want to do business with you and you with them. Now not all networking groups meet weekly. Some only monthly and some less than that. Now how is that going to help you get to know people? Not very well I'd say. Chances are each time you meet you wil be going over old ground to reacquaint yourselves instead of progressing and learning the finer points about each other. Possibly the more interesting and rewarding points. This emphasises the need for you to add extra opportunities to let people get to know you. One such way is by having 1:1 meetings. These can be held at times that suit you. Can be very relaxed and the conversation can flow. Of course it shouldn't be so relaxed that you spend the whole time talking football or general stuff unless that is what s important to you rmeeting. Be sure you talk about the relevant stuff. Another things is to not let one person dominate the chat. Talking about ourselves is often our favourite topic but don't let the other person dominate the questions. Just as it is important to ask the right questions so it is to listen. Acknowledge what is being said. Reflect back what you hear so the speaker knows you are listening and it assures you that you are getting the right message. So often you think you hear what they say because you are putting your own interpretation on it instead of clarifying and hearing what you are being told.

Well I think that is all for now. See you again next time I hope.

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